Make sure that you get the most out of your solar panels with professional cleaning services in Chicago. Our company offers quality cleaning solutions to help enhance the efficiency of your solar panels. Our team of experts use high-quality cleaning solutions and tools to make sure that your solar panels are kept in top condition. With regular cleaning, you can maintain the performance and efficiency of your solar panels to ensure that they are able to produce energy at their maximum potential.
We use specialized cleaning solutions that are designed specifically for solar panel surfaces. Our team is highly trained and experienced in cleaning these surfaces with great care and attention. We make sure that each surface is cleaned properly and that all debris is removed. In addition, our team will inspect each panel to check for any signs of damage or corrosion. If any issues are found, we can make the necessary repairs to keep your panels in top condition.
We use only the highest quality cleaning solutions and tools to ensure that your solar panels are kept in peak condition. Our team of experts is experienced in the proper techniques and solutions needed to clean your solar panels, making sure that they are kept clean and efficient. We are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients and make sure that your solar panels are kept in the best condition.
Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service to our clients. Our team is experienced and knowledgeable in the proper techniques needed in a professional solar panel cleaning service We make sure that your solar panels are kept in top condition, providing you with the most efficient service possible.
If you’re looking for reliable, professional solar panel cleaning in Chicago, look no further than our company. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get the most out of your solar panels. We look forward to helping you keep your solar panels clean and efficient!
Nr. of Panes | Inside/Outside | Outside Only |
1-15 | $120 | $90 |
16-25 | $150 | $110 |
26-35 | $180 | $130 |
36-45 | $220 | $150 |
46-55 | $250 | $170 |
56-65 | $280 | $190 |
66-75 | $310 | $210 |
76-85 | $340 | $230 |
85-100 | $380 | $250 |
100-125 | $440 | $290 |
126-150 | $520 | $340 |
151-175 | $600 | $400 |
Property Refresh is a full-service window cleaner. Not only do we wash windows inside and out, but we also provide the following services.
Our window cleaning service is fully guaranteed. If for any reason, you're not completely satisfied with the results, Property Refresh will reclean your windows at no extra charge or refund your money. Schedule window washing with confidence!
This short video shows our window washers in the progress of cleaning residential house windows. All cleaning is done by hand using a window washing sponge and squeegee. We do not use high-pressure equipment or water poles to clean windows. Besides cleaning the glass itself, our technicians remove (scrape off) baked-on bugs, paint, and other hard to remove dirt. We also clean window sills and frames. You can even ask us to help you clean other hard-to-reach spots around your house.
Our main goal at Property Refresh is to provide our customers with exceptional service at a reasonable price. Every day, we work hard to meet your highest expectations, gain your trust, and earn repeat business. Please read reviews other customers left us to see what they think about Property Refresh before you call us.
More ReviewsLooking for more valuable information about our services? We are glad to share our blog page, where we write about window cleaning techniques, why gutter cleaning is so important, and how to power-wash your house safely and effectively. We are sure you'll find a lot of valuable information.
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